Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Tonight I dreamt of getting lost. And a girl from my university started laughing at me, because I couldn't find my way. I think we were in another country, and I for some reason had to fetch something from the hotel.

I was also in a café where I bought a lot of sweets. But it didn't beat a girl from my university, who was next to me and immediately bought a whole shelf of sweets. She simply rolled the shelf up to the counter and asked to buy it all. I felt really happy at this point.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

This night I dreamt about going through weird gates. I think one of them was set at the entrance of a big cave, and it was sort of of decorated in gold. The whole dream had a feeling of being some kind of weird game.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

This night I dreamt of Easter eggs. Big, nicely decorated ones. They were hidden inside this huge building, kind of like a shopping mall. I remember thinking that usually I could never find the eggs, but this time I actually found a lot. And I was really happy. I don't actually remember what I did with the eggs. I didn't have a bag with me for storing the eggs, and I'm pretty sure I didn't eat them. There wasn't really more to that dream, than me running around this huge place for the longest time, searching for the eggs that were hidden in the most random places; from alcoves at staircases to inside fireplaces. There was also a scene with me seeing a bill of a very, very small amount and then proceding to smash the person in the head with a laptop that I suddenly had in my hand. Right before I hit, I woke up.

Friday, 25 September 2009

I remember that I dreamt a lot of stuff this night. What I can most vividly recall is the episode with the islands.

I was at a place where two islands existed separate from each other both in space and also in probability. It's kind of hard to explain. But it was not possible to simply travel from one island to the other by taking a boat for example. I had the key to get back and forth between the islands. It was a sort of small obelisk stone with weird blue runes/markings on its surface. To get to the other island I had to place the stone on a certain spot of the ground where some weird circle diagram was drawn. Once I had done that, I had to turn the stone clock-wise and the blue runes would begin lighting up in a quick sequence.  Once all the runes had lighted, I would be transported to the other island. But the transfer also had consequences for the islands.

Whenever I chose to switch location the island I left would be converted into a lifeless place with the people turning into stone. By touching the stone when the transport happened I made sure that I wasn't myself turned into stone.

In the dream, I went to the other island for the first time, and so to say gave the island life. But the people there were really evil. And so I had to get away from the place as soon as possible. But I had to get to the spot where I could place the stone and do the transport. I for some reason, wasn't anywhere near that place once I first came to the island. So it turned into quite a scary dream.

I remember running from some of the people, even though I knew it was useless to run from them. They were everywhere, would always find me and were way faster than me. I actually can't remember why they were so scary, I just remember feeling that they were evil and in some way restricting my freedom.

Just before I woke up I remember somehow escaping the people and getting to the transfer spot and turning the stone. But before all the runes had lighted up, some of them had managed to reach me and were touching my shoulder. And I knew that meant they would be teleported with me, and not turned back to stone. And that was a really bad thing.

The next thing I remember is standing in a dark shed. I think there were a lot of cobwebs there. As I exit, a girl from my university that I don't normally talk a lot to (and have never dreamt about before) is standing there with her bike. She tells me that it was all planned. That it all made sense, and that the 40 would somehow catch up to the 80. At this point I for some reason saw the image of a clock face divided into three twenty-minute regions and the two first regions highlighted. I told her she was wrong. She told me to prove it. I told her I would prove it, she just had to give me her bike since it was necessary to prove it. She said fine and started to hand me the bike. Then I woke up.

My first thought when I woke up was: "Phew, I was happy the dream ended there. I couldn't really prove it, even though I pretended to be able to."

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Sadly I forgot to write down what I had dreamt immediately after waking, so I've forgotten a lot. But I do remember some parts and fragments of the dream.

I remember being in a sort of weird house. I remember it had a wooden staircase. There were two girls, who I understood were learning to be witches, or maybe they were already witches, I don't know. But they had to do something very special, and it seemed like it was some kind of test. I remember a bit of time travelling at this point, but I can't exactly remember what it is I see after rewinding the stuff that happened and playing it again from a different angle.

Next thing I remember I'm chasing a tiny spherical thing that looks a bit like a cloudy, white marble. It's a soul that I'm trying to save, I instinctively know. So I follow this soul, but it's always being carried away from by others or flying away by its own will, so that I can never quite reach it. I remember at one point a bird takes it. He (it felt like a male bird) starts throwing it back and forth together with a bigger, black bird (a crow who's also male). I know that they are then supposed to throw it back to me, so I can finally get it. But the larger bird breaks the rules. He suddenly catches it in his beak and holds it there. And then he starts eating some of it. Some white kind of smoke slowly seeps out of it, and I feel completely indignant towards whats going on. He was not supposed to eat it. And then i wake up.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

This night I dreamt that I was in some kind of weird game. It wasn't so much that it looked like a game. It was more like real life with bosses and specific things you had to to do to advance further. Luckily I had a girl with me who had already played the game and knew what to do.

I remember fighting a boss. It had to do with something about rain, but I can't remember any more details of the encounter. Afterwards I was for some reason standing in front of a lot of washing machines which were all full of bedclothes. Only one washing machine was empty. The girl told me not to put my own clothes into the empty washing machine, because then I would never get it back. Last time she had put her own clothes into the machine and never gotten it back again. So instead I put some of the bedclothes from the other washing machines into it, and pushed start.

Suddenly I notice that there's actually a huge road with cars and a pedestrian crossing right to the left of me. And as soon as I press start on the washing machine, the light for the pedestrians turns green and I start crossing the road. And I now understand why the girl didn't manage to get her clothes back last time. She had to hurry to cross the road and so couldn't wait for the washing machine to finish.

Sometime afterwards I was at a dinner with a lot of other people my age that I know from school or elsewhere. I was sitting at a table when suddenly this Japanese man comes over to me. I remember he had spiky, black hair. At first I think he's speaking Japanese to me, but it's actually Danish. He asks me to follow him, but I hesitate because I know something is going to happen at the dinner very soon. I think it was that someone was about to give a speech.

My hesitation to follow him causes me to disappear and I sort of take on the role of the observer in a film. I see two black people standing together talking in a big, dark room with two doors at one end. I can only see the half of the room with two doors, but I know that at the other end of the room are other doors. Suddenly the people talk very hurriedly and dive into the door in front of them on the right. Right afterwards a family of about 2 grownups and 5 kids comes hurrying in after them and find them hidden under a sort of cupboard in the very small room behind the door.

I didn't understand what just went on. So I reversed time, and changed my viewing angle. I then see the whole episode again from the angle of the two black people. They had been babysitting the children of the family, but once the parents had come home, they had become extremely scared. And feeling a bit mischievous, they decided to hide in that room. It took about one second for the family to find them of course. Anyway, this "scene" was way random, and it might just be me remembering badly.

Monday, 21 September 2009

This night I dreamt about flying again. I have forgotten a lot of the dream already.

But I do remember flying above a huge tree and having serious trouble making my way forwards because of a strong headwind. I kept flying higher and higher, because the wind was pushing me up. So I decided to land and not fly so much after all, since it was way too difficult. I also remember wondering whether it was special that I could fly or not, because I couldn't quite remember if people flew that much. But I could recall having flown lots of times in cities before. And since it wasn't very difficult to fly, people would probably not think it was weird.